There are various definitions of Alzheimerâ € ™ s disease, including:
- "The slow start of the memory loss lead to a gradual progression to a loss of judgment and changes in behavior and temperament."
- "A living death."
- "The global impairment of higher functions, including memory, the ability to solve problems, from day to day lives, the performance of learned percepto-motor skills (such as tasks such as washing, dressing and eating), and the control of the emotional The absence of reactions gross clouding of consciousness. "
Memory Loss
Memory loss occurs in all cases Alzheimerâ € ™ s disease. The most recent memories are the first to be affected are the things we € ™ ve, in the last few hours or days. Later, as the disease progresses, the past memory even worse.
The fact that memory loss is such an important feature of Alzheimerâ € ™ s the testing of € ™ s, human memory is a simple and cheap method for the diagnosis of the condition. Questions should be very basic research, for example:
First - What day is today?
Second - How old are you?
Third - Where are we now?
Fourth - What is it?
Fifth What month?
Sixth - Count backwards from 20 to 1
These questions will test human € ™ s, short-term memory, and orientation; Disorientation is another problem with which suffers Alzheimer's.
Disorientation, or do not know who or where you are, is closely linked to memory loss. Typically a Alzheimerâ € ™ s, the end of suffering is forgotten birthdays, are not from what it is day, and even forget their own names. You can understand why Alzheimerâ € ™ s has been called a living ~ € deathâ € ™.
Because it is the short-term memory, the first to suffer, which itself has often return to a house they lived in the years before, think they have come home.
Disorientation inside the home can become a problem, but not until the disease in its later stages. It is important that nothing is moved or in the home to maintain continuity. If their environment and routine remains unchanged, a Alzheimerâ € ™ s, the end of suffering remains more content and confident; However, changes in the environment and their confusion and disorientation is obvious. This is the reason why the treatment at home rather than in hospital is preferred, and the transfer to hospital should be a last resort.
Personality Change
One of the cruelest aspects of Alzheimerâ € ™ s disease is the change in the personality of many people. Often, the general conduct and the person is suffering from Alzheimer's, in the later stages, and in contrast to its usual behavior they are in earlier life.
Mood swings, ecstatically happy very sad, verbal and sometimes physical aggression, and the extreme anxiety and nervousness often Alzheimer's sufferer, and, of course, the Advisor, which can best help by providing continuous safety and patience.
Personal hygiene
Personal hygiene is often a big problem with the end of suffering forget to wash and bathe. Body odor, and stained and dirty clothes and hands can be a cause of great stress and in the wake of a cruel loss of dignity.
In the early stages of understanding simple speech remains intact, but the right words to be found can be a problem, and the Alzheimer's sufferers often leave sentences unfinished. The collection of messages on the phone can be particularly difficult, and this is often one of the first signs of dementia.
As the disease worsens communication is always difficult, because the understanding abilities decrease. Finally, her whole speech can gibberish, until finally the Alzheimer patients will not have to speak, and is totally in his little world.
Although the amount of sleep required by an Alzheimer's sufferer is unlikely to change, their sleep cycle. So, instead of wanting to sleep in the night awake, and during the day, they could be undone. These few € ™ t is a problem except for the carer, who disrupted his nights.
The maintenance person is recommended that patients active and awake during the day as much as possible, even if it is a tempting opportunity for a domestic work and enjoy some rest and should end the suffering asleep. A hot drink before bedtime can help, even though any problems with incontinence should be considered. Make sure there are no other reasons for the restless nights, as joint pain or cramps night. In the event that the latter is a problem, manage mild pain medication. In the worst case, many people with an overnight service to the meeting, the end of suffering is closely monitored while the person receives care of a couple of nights sleeping undisturbed.
Eating and drinking can be a problem with Alzheimer's suffers. More precisely, the lack of food and drink and the resulting malnutrition is the problem.
A sufferer may develop an irrational fear of the food you provide, or they may simply forget to eat or refuse. Two possible causes of the latter are ill-fitting dentures, especially if the sufferer has lost weight; And constipation. A balanced diet with plenty of fiber and a high fluid intake helps prevent constipation.
General tips for carers
It is difficult to judge who is the worse time, the Alzheimer's sufferers or carers. In the early stages of the disease is likely to end the suffering, in the second phase, it is undoubtedly the carer.
Help minimize disorientation not move something in the home. To do so will their confusion worse.
Add to a hospital suffering from Alzheimer's as a last resort. Once you do that disorientation and confusion will increase significantly.
Do not let an end suffering alone, they may have difficulties in the way back home.
You can do everything in order to maintain the dignity of suffering end.
A hot drink or a dead their favorite alcoholic beverages May aids sleep in the night. Try the patient awake and active during the day.
Keep a cold drink next to remind the sufferer to take liquids.
Keep the routine interruption to a minimum to extend the Alzheimer suffererâ € ™ s, the independence for as long as possible.
Just to monitor drugs. It is very easy for Alzheimer's patients to forget that they have taken their medication, and it repeatedly.
Alzheimerâ € ™ s, a progressive and incurable disease, but there are drugs that slow the progression. It is one of the saddest diseases in that it is difficult to maintain or regularly visit someone who does not know your name or recognize.
Alzheimer’s Disease - A Carer’s Guide
22 Ekim 2007 Pazartesi zaman: 09:14 Gönderen exceLLency
Etiketler: alzheimers-disease
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